Nov 30, 2012
28 Questions: How well do you know your man?
1. He's sitting in front of the TV, what is on the screen?
Anything related to the kulit bundar aka bola. dan balapan. dan eh sama dunia lain juga ding!
2. You're out to eat, what kind of dressing does he get on his salad?
Salad? maksutnya semacam lalapan? ya sambel laaah
3. What's one food he doesn't like?
Sumthing with the santan!! Aneh sekali... santen kan gurrrihh
4. You go out to eat and have a drink. What does he order?
Coke. Semacam cola cola gt, or cola syusyuuu
5. Where did he go to high school?
SMA 59 Jakarta, eh bener kan pak suwami??
6. What size shoe does he wear?
43 *yakin! soalnya eikeh yg selalu beliin doi sepokat
7. If he was to collect anything, what would it be?
He collects... peralatan tukang pastinyeh..
8. What is his favorite type of sandwich?
Apa ajah yang penting berdaging or bertelur (?). Carnivore rule!
9. What would this person eat every day if he could?
Umm.. telor kali yah, never met people who loves egg like him. maksutnya dia oke2 aja walopun harus makan telor.. sehari 3 x.. setiap hari..
10. What is his favorite cereal?
Ga pernah makan cereal
11. What would he never wear?
Kaos dalem cowo. Gak cowo bgt (katanyahhh)
12. What is his favorite sports team?
FC Barcelona dong
13. Who did he vote for?
Pas pilkada DKI kemaren sih doi milih Jokowi. pas presiden milih Jusuf Kalla (tau bgt gini. gak pake azas LUBER klo sama istri)
14. How does he sleep?
Gak pake ngorok loh! hebat deh. Dan posisinya lurus telentang gak gerak2. Sbg org yang seneng akrobat pas tidur (ahem!) kemampuan tidurnya ini cukup membuat istri kagum.
15. What is something you do that he wishes you wouldn't do?
Kebanyakan beberes. Daripada beberes mendingan sayang2an sama dia tapi istri kan sebel n sepet liat yg berantakan gituh.
16. What is his heritage?
100% javanese.
17. What is his favorite color?
So pasti black.
18. You bake him a cake for his birthday; what kind of cake?
Muffin kali, baru bisa bikin ituh doang soalnya. Kusus buat dia bikin muffin keju, gak bakal colongan pake coklat2an.
19. Did he play sports in high school?
Iyah. Pas kuliah juga. Di semester awal malah dateng kekampus cuma buat maen bola doang bukan buat kuliah, zzzz...
20. What could he spend hours doing?
Ketak ketok palu, bikin apa gitu sama kayu2. Tapi terakhir istri dibikinin ambalan kayu buat didapur, yay! seneng!
21. What is one unique talent he has?
Singing n playing the guitar!! suaranya mayan bagus gak pake fales becos dulu bekas anak band (cieh), sayang skrg jarang nyanyi buat istri.
21. Who is his biggest celebrity crush?
*mikir keras* eh istri beneran gak tau. Sapa yah? doi ga pernah ngomongin seleb n gak pernah bahas seleb2 cantik. Mungkin istri udah paling cantik buat dia kali. Can i get an AMEN? ;)
22. You go out on a regular date. What would he wear?
Date or no date he wears jeans and t-shirt. Dan skrg mule pake topi.
23. What is his favorite music genre?
Absolutely Rock! kadang2 slow rock juga.
24. What is his one major weakness?
Ga bisa liat istri menitikkan air mata, lupa naroh barang, males mandi, berantakan, standar cowo2 sih, tapi kayaknya bagi dia ini bukan weakness deh.
25. You get into an argument. How does he handle it?
He said: "baik, nyonyaahhhh" hihihhi
26. Who is his favorite actor?
Jared Letto, eh pada kenal kan sm doi?
27. What is his idea of a perfect date?
Ngedate diterangi cahaya bintang dan ngedatenya diatas roof garden rumah kita. Romantis bgt yah doi, tapi kapan itu pak suamiii? *ngelendot manja*
28. What physical feature would he change?
Nothing. Eh tapi once duluuuuu bgt dia pernah bilang mw ngebonding rambut kritingnya, x)
gimana pak suwami tersayang, istri bener kan jawabnyaaaa
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kasih ponten 100 deh hehehe vove you honey
oops salah ketik...dari ulang deh
love you honey
hai sayang! klo aku jawabnya bener semua n pontennya 100, kasi hadiah dooong!! *ngelendot*
Hak hak ujung2nya posting berbayarrr... Dasar kaliaaannn
Mesraaa slalu yahh mr. And mrs. B!!!
ihihihi makasih egah! jadi malu nih abisan ketauan istri yang haus kejutan n hadiah2 hakhakhakhak :))
Hebriing! Pen ikutan.. Tapi.. Belum punya suamik.. huhuhu.. Tapi.. Udah punya pacar.. Lagi.. Hahahahhahahaa..
hahahahah selamat dong darling! ayo tes pengetahuan ttg pacar kamuh dengan pertanyaan2 diatas pasti dia seneng deh bacanya :D
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